March 12, 2008
Today started at 2:11 am.
And it's been non-stop since then. I had banners to create for Modern's BrainShare, Susy and Kenny's stories to lay out and prepare for print, research about how to keep my downloads for the shoot on my laptop, emails to answer, invoices to write, an "I love you'" card to Peter, and I know I'm forgetting half of what I did this morning.
It has been an adventure already! Definitely Kim-style.
Dropped off kids, picked up Haiti suitcases, went to Pictureline to get guidance from Christopher and picked up more film, got stamps to mail the postcards for the show, went to the bank, dropped off files to Borge, did some more packing and then jumped in Stephanie's car to drop off the Modern print job, right before going to the airport. (Stephanie was prepared with even a granola bar because she knew I would have forgotten to eat)
Got there late (bad planning on my part!), ran thru the security just in time to sit down to call Peter and tell him I love him and cry just a little. I sent a text to Thomas, called Gabby at school and talked to her and turned off my phone. One of the last to enter the plane, found my seat and began to put things away when I suddenly realized that the empty space in my camera bag was there because I forgot to get the film that needed to be hand checked at the Security Desk!
Oh Shit! That bag of film had over 30 rolls in it and the plane was all seated and ready to go.
I promised to go fast, to run the entire way. They said to give it a shot, but that they wouldn't hold the flight for me and to take my bags if I got off.
So I did and I ran so fast I still can't believe it!
I made the plane. Luckily, the gate was A1 and literally around the corner and down the stairs to my film.
Does this mean I supposed to go or that I'm not supposed to go?
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I'm at the Miami Airport, 3 hours early. I was so disorganized yesterday and was running from place to place, forgetting my film, etc.
I have had a very quiet 12 hours. Things settled down once I got my film. Made my connecting flight in Dallas and had a great flight to Miami. I sat next to a couple named Linda and Mike. They had been married for 37 years and were heading to a cruise holiday in Cozumel.
The 3 of us talked and talked and talked until the very last minute of our flight. I got to Miami International and found out that my hotel room was IN the airport! Well... THAT was easy! Had a sandwich and walked around. It's a HUGE airport! Got to my room and watched a movie and did some work on the computer. Being alone this much is strange.
Note: I'm looking at an interesting story about a photo booth that's called "The Human Race Machine". It's a photo booth that takes your picture and allows you to see what you'd look like as a different race. A what I thought I Saw story there?
So I've spoken to Susie by phone (she's who I'm going to Haiti with - the woman who's orphanage I'm visiting). At least I know that she's here. In the airport. I was beginning to think that I might be getting on the plane to Haiti by myself. When I checked to see if Susie was checked in to the hotel I was at last night, they said no. WHAT! I started to get scared! And then when she didn't answer her phone this morning... I began to panic just a little bit.
All is well.
I do find myself going in and out of being scared. I'm really not feeling too scared most of the time. But it's interesting. I'll be standing in line or waiting to pay for something and I'll just feel tears coming on. It's a warm, instant and overwhelming feeling and then I tell myself to "pull it together, Kim." And I do.
I'm excited to face this. I'm determined to be open to what is there, open to the shot. To remember to think, but also remember to be in the now and allow the shot to happen naturally and organically.
I'm missing my family. I'm missing having Peter by my side, as he usually is when I'm on an airplane going far away.
Thank you Peter for all your support and love.
I watch other families traveling together and it makes me miss the kids so much. I love you guys and I'm so proud to be your mom.
Thursday night, March 13
No kidding. I'm still in Miami...
We got half way to Haiti and the plane turned around because of a malfunction. We landed and were taken off the plane.
We later learned that the First Lady's plane had just landed at the Port au Prince Airport and the whole place was in lock down for the day....
Did the government have something to do with my plane malfunction????
Those Bushes!
So now I'm at the Wyndham Hotel by the Miami International Hotel and should be on the next plane to Haiti at 10 am tomorrow.
Tonight, I took a walk down and got some fruit and wine, came back to the room and hung out with Susie.
I knew I liked her, but she's SO cool!
We had a really fun time just girl talking in my room for a few hours.
So... Tomorrow is the real day....
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